Saturday, July 22, 2006


I will be holding another Sound Doctrine Seminar Event!!
This one will take place in Lorain, OH at Faith Ministries Christian Center.The dates have not been finalized yet but it will be in the next 4-6 weeks!

For those that were unable to attend the session at Anointed gates in Cleveland, this is an opportunity to not only attend the regular seminar, but I am going to hold a special "Intro to MultiMedia Session" that evening!
The July 15th session went very well and all the attendees expressed how happy they were that they came. Dave Kennedy from Guitar Center Cleveland brought out some cool gear for us to use for the hands on sessions. As a matter of fact, the hands on time went so well that we restructured the afternoon lectures so that the attendees got even MORE hands on time.

If you were not able to attend the previous session, log on to my website and pre-register for this one! If you provide me with more info about YOUR schedule I may even be able to arrange the date so that more people can attend.

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